Saturday, March 2, 2024

Kangkong 'Water Spinach'

The water spinach / kangkong or also commonly called kangkong is perhaps one of the most common ingredients in whatever vegetable dish that we prepare. With its pure taste, who would ever think that this vegetable has a lot of advantageous benefits?

Kangkong consists of amazing nutrients that are of a good amount of Water, Energy, Protein, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, Vitamin C, Thiamin, Riboflavin,Niacin,Vitamin B-6,Folate, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin A, Vitamin A,and Vitamin D.

Top 15 Health Benefits of Water Spinach / Kangkong

1.  It Reduces Cholesterol into Normal Level

Are you one of those who is worried about the abrupt up and down of the cholesterol level? Worry no more because this wondrous water spinach could help you resolve this health problem. This was pilot studied to rodents, and after consumption, it resulted in a lower level of cholesterol. So, you’ve got another option in maintaining this health condition.

2. Treats Conditions Relative to Liver

Liver diseases such as jaundice and the likes can be aided or treated by eating water spinach. This vegetable can help the body in modulating the detoxifying enzymes, making your body more healthy in the aspect of the liver.

3. It Aids Anemia

The deficiency of iron is most often experienced by those who are having anemia or those who are pregnant. In this case, water spinach / kangkong can be of great help since it could provide enough iron that the body needs. It may also be beneficial for women who bleed excessively during the period moments of the month.

4. It is Good for the Digestive System

Feeling a little off with your stomach because of constipation or indigestion? All you need is fiber, and water spinach / kangkong also happens to be rich in this component. It has the laxative component which makes it ideal to aid stomach troubles.

5. It is Anti Diabetic

A regular intake of water spinach / kangkong may help your body get rid of the possible development of diabetes. So, if you think that such health condition runs in the family, better prevent it by including this vegetable in your diet.

6. It Protects your Heart

Not the heartbreak type of protection, but the health disorder type of help. With the water spinach’s content of Vitamins A and C along with beta-carotene, it is assured that your heart will always be protected against heart-related diseases.

7. It Prevents Cancer Cells

water spinach / kangkong is also great vegetables that you may eat if you would like to prevent the possible growth or development of cancer cells. It has some antioxidants which are overall in0charged in making sure that those cancer cells won’t grow and foster in your body.

8. It is Good for the Eyes

The lutein and Vitamin A component of water spinach / kangkong allows you to maintain good and healthy eyesight! Plus, it could also prevent you from suffering from eye conditions such as cataracts and the likes.

9. it is Good for the Immune System

This vegetable is also equally helpful in boosting your immune system. As we all know, a healthy and robust immune system is the primary key in preventing diseases, most especially infectious diseases. Would you like to be extra-protected against diseases? You know which vegetable to get.

10. It is Useful in Varied Conditions

Are you one of those who usually experience the excruciating pain brought by menstruation or also called dysmenorrhea? Abrupt fever? Or even insomnia? The water spinach could be at your rescue. Just be sure to include it in your diet, and you will be extra confident that you will be at ease in no time.

11. No to Signs of Aging

We are all aware that the green leafy vegetables are potent as anti-aging components, and one of them is the water spinach. This can maintain the growth of cells plus protect them from harmful chemicals and elements, making you way younger and youth-looking.

12.  It Aids to Skin Condition

May it from the simple athlete’s foot, ringworm, down to the severe skin cancer and psoriasis, the water spinach / kangkong is known to treat and even prevent such condition. This means that the ability of this component to thoroughly nourish and make the skin healthy is beyond a reasonable doubt.

13. It has Healing Properties

water spinach/ kangkong matched with salt is also useful in aiding itchiness or skin irritation. All you have to do is apply a small amount of it on the affected portion, and you are good to go. Just wait for its wondrous healing miracle to work in no time.

14. It Rejuvenates Skin

Water spinach / kangkong turned into a shake or juice is the best way to remove the excess toxins in your body. Through this way of cleansing, you get to clean your body from within! You get to cleanse, and you get to radiate from within. So, your skin will of course also look fresh and young.

15. It is Good for the Hair

Lastly, water spinach / kangkong is exceptionally healthy for both the scalp and the hair! Do you think it is just the Aloe Vera alone? Well, some components of Aloe Vera are also present in water spinach, so it is no wonder that they also work the same way at some point.

Adding a little water spinach in your diet won’t definitely hurt your pocket. In return, you will be delighted with its fantastic health benefits. Eating this vegetable has never been this amazing if you are aware and knowledgeable about its effect on you right? Please be reminded though that proper food preparation is essential especially if you will be eating it as a salad.

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